Reasons For Men's Hair Loss

The most common cause of male hair loss is androgenetic alopecia or more commonly, male pattern baldness. The male hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) attaches to the hair follicles causing them to shrink or slowly close. As the follicle shrinks, it closes around the root and hair growth is restricted. This causes the hair strand to thin and eventually fall out.
In the vast majority of cases this process is a very gradual one, taking place over some 20-30 years and not generally starting, until a man is at least in his thirties. However, younger men can also be affected and the more susceptible among them, could find themselves with advanced male pattern baldness by the time they reach their early twenties.
Recognising the signs of male pattern baldness and treating it early will increase the chances of preventing complete hair loss. In cases of male pattern baldness the signs are quite obvious; baldness begins to occur first at the front of the head and the hairline recedes noticeably to the left and right of centre. This creates a V shape in the hairline. From there, hair on the top of the head starts to thin, producing a bald patch. This in time increases in size until all that is left of a previously full head of hair, are the sides and the back. These too will gradually thin out and disappear.
Three factors combine to produce male pattern baldness
- A man’s genetic makeup
- His hormonal balance
- The ageing process
Genetic Makeup
For balding to occur, specific genes need to be inherited from either the mother or the father. Genes are like little bits of code found on chromosomes, which go to make up our DNA. The androgenetic alopecia gene is dominant, therefore only one gene is needed (from the mother or the father) for it to manifest itself as male pattern baldness, but there are also other factors involved. For example, you may have the gene but it may not express itself readily. Hormonal balances and age come into play here and may well suppress the gene until much later in life. Stress can also increase susceptibility to the male pattern baldness gene.
Science is currently unable to properly identify the balding gene, so although we are able to treat the problem, we are unable at present to cure it at its source.
Hormonal Balances
Different hormones are created, for different purposes, in glands around the body. These glands introduce their particular type of hormone straight into our bloodstream and this direct injection enables us to push it around the body as quickly as possible.
Perhaps the most well known of these hormones is Testosterone, the male sex hormone. It is this chemical that can promote the onset of male hair loss. Testosterone and other androgens like dihydrotestosterone (DHT) push some hair follicles into regression and they die. DHT leads to a shortening of the anagen (growth) phase of the hair growth cycle and lengthens the telogen or resting phase. As time passes, this effectively reduces the length of the hair. DHT is also responsible for the changes to the hairline, resulting in the characteristic V shape referred to earlier. In addition to testosterone and DHT, adrenalin another hormone, also plays a part.
The Ageing Process
Balding or progressive hair loss is a process, which takes time to manifest. For premature hair loss to occur hormones must constantly affect the hair follicles over an extended period of time and it is only a person’s genetic makeup that will determine when and over what period this happens.
Thinning hair is also caused by natural ageing and will be experienced by many men in their later years, even those who have not suffered the effects of premature balding.
Other factors that can cause male hair loss
Stress, Accident, Surgery or Trauma
Stress, accident, surgery and trauma all cause the body stress and in response to stress, all non-essential systems within the body are temporarily shut down. This concentrates the body’s resources enabling it to utilise energy more efficiently and recover more quickly. Hair growth amongst other things is considered non-essential, therefore any energy directed to it in the case of a major incident is considered wasted. The body will temporarily shut down hair growth redirecting the energy to where it’s needed for survival.
Unlike male pattern balding, any stress related hair loss is rarely permanent. The body will direct its energy back to hair growth etc when it is safe to do so.
An iron deficiency together with low blood pressure and poor circulation can lead to diffuse hair loss from all over the scalp. Hairs become lighter, finer and more brittle, breaking off easily.
This is quite quickly treated following a blood test, with iron tablets taken as a food supplement.
Hypo or Hyper Thyroidism
If your thyroid gland is over or under active, it will unbalance the hormones and your hair may fall out. This hair loss is usually helped through treatment for thyroid disease. Correcting the hormonal imbalance should stop your hair loss.
Prescribed Medications
Some prescription medicines may lead to hair loss as they may temporarily upset the hormonal balance within the body. Quite often these imbalances are necessary to treat another issue and upon completion of medication, things return to normal.
Call The London Centre of Trichology on 0207 935 1935 now to arrange your free initial consultation.